Best time to visit: Nepal has a temperate climate with four seasons. Most climbers visit the country during autumn, between September and November. The weather during this period is generally dry, clear, neither too cold nor too hot. The mountains are most visible in this season as the dust and pollution are washed away by monsoon rains before autumn.
What to pack: Given the terrain of Nepal, it is advisable to carry a backpack over a suitcase. If trekking is part of the to-do list in Nepal, it is wise to carry a first aid kit, trekking accessories, rehydration pack, and so on. If the destination in Nepal is at a high altitude of 3500 meters and above, it is preferable to keep winter clothing that is quick to dry.
Cuisine: The food is generally more Asian and is less in fat and high in the use of vegetables and lean meat. Avoid drinking tap water or any liquid that hasn’t been purified. When invited to dine at someone’s house, one should be ready to sit on the floor and eat.
Language: Nepali is the official language of Nepal. However, English is widely used by people primarily involved in the tourism business.
Currency: Nepali Rupee is the official currency of Nepal. It is possible to convert a foreign currency into rupee in any of the many foreign exchange dealers available from airport to hotels, banks, and markets. All major credit cards can be used for paying bills and shopping.
Electricity: Nepal primarily uses 220/240V AC @50 Hz. It is advisable to buy a universal travel plug adapter that can fit standard sockets found in Nepal. One should ensure that the device’s power adapter can convert between 110V and 220V if the home country of the traveler makes use of 110V power supply.
Formalities: Ensure that the passport is valid for more than 6 months at the time of travel. Some countries are exempted from applying for visa in advance, and can be availed on arrival. One can check the Nepal embassy website for information.